Rola Productions
Always, not a few days
0   /   100
Full Creative and Productive

Film & TV Production

Whether you are producing a 30 - Seconds promo , a training series , or a 90 - Minutes Documentary or short , long Feature film , the stages of video production are probably the same

Pre - Production

Creative meetings first , Pre-production begins the moment script development starts, hence everything must be in place before the principal cinematography begins .


Its when all the planning during script development and pre-production comes together . “Action ” is called , and that is when the cameras rolling , and the fun begins .

Post - Production

Editing the video is the final stage of Production , this is when the production team digs into the recorded video and audio footage and assembles it in accordance with the script , collectively , graphics , music , sound design , visual effects and color grading pull together the final piece.